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Wajhee Bin Nasir a.k.a Professor – GMC

In this post we will cover the scam which is done by Professor how he has been delaying it and what all information we have against professor.


  • Wajhee Bin Nasir a.k.a Professor is running a Discord community called GMC (Grow More Crypto) who started a USDT Buy/Sell service and acted as a middleman in the process to gather some comissions.
  • Whatever the circumstances were the fact remains the same that 2 x people who approached Niazai Khan about the matter and later it was revealed that for last 6 months Professor is delaying the payment which makes him earn the Label of a Scammer.
  • While Syed Junaid posted two elaborate posts in the group explaining how the scam unfolded which you can read here and another video post here. where he outlines how Professor owes him Rs 0.5 Million.
  • Prior to Syed Junaid informing about the scam , a user on Discord reached out to me who does not want to post publicly , so let’s call him Mr M.
  • Mr M informed me on 30 Nov 2023 that he has sent PKR against 940 USDT to Haroon which was informed by Professor , even the bank details were also shared by Professor. and currently Professor owes Mr M. 640 USDT.
  • On a side note, prior to buying USDT , Mr M sent Rs 30,000 to professor when he was not well to cover for his medical bill as charity, a noble deed indeed by Mr M but even then Professor has no empathy to return the amount owed to Mr M.
  • Later on Professor informed Mr M and also to Syed Junaid that his Binance account has been blocked , by sharing the following image
  • The above mentioned image is most probably fake further more I found out the USDT TRc20 address used by Professor TRdQesKSJ8rPNYXt6PZ34JEhPgjygRBEyq which is a Binance deposit address , which is still active on the blockchain , a seized Binance account wallet addresses are not recycled due to the same reasons mentioned on the email above.
  • After asking Professor about the issue with Mr M , he asked for more time with a commitment that amount will be sent by End of December, which never happened.
  • Thus Wajhee Bin Nasir earns the badge of a Scammer.
  • Following the event Professor made the following Post in CCP with this attached video:
  • Apart from my video reply in the comment, the simple issue with professor argument is that no one knew Haroon , people paid through you and you owe them their money back.
  • Syed Junaid helped Professor in recovering Rs 0.7m which were sent to Professor bank account and when Junaid asked for the money back , Professor said he will do trading with it and later return everyone. No one knows who got refunded as two people who approached didn’t get a refund.
  • Further communication just made us see more excuses and delays followed by a post by Professor on GMC
  • While focusing on the part which is pertaining to the scam, It was Professor who introduced Haroon and made people send money to his account therefore professor is responsible. The saddest part is that Mr M didn’t make any public post so you forgot to mention him ? as per Mr M , professor told him that there are 3 or 4 people who sent money to professor for buying/selling purposes , he forgot to mention them aswell ? While wishing you a good health, it does not exempt you from paying people what they are owed. I am sure professor’s mental health will improve if he just returns the money which is OWED. His attitude towards the people he owed money was rude and arrogant aswell many a times.

GMC Products on Crypto Awaz

GMC products were listed on CA marketplace (which were taken down when Mr M first revealed the scam details) where the sales did proceed to SIUT donations (done personally by me) it does not mean that Niazai Khan is vouching for an individual where you end up sending money directly, have never told anyone to do that and have no plans of doing that. that is the reason we have a Deal via Admin procedure in place.

While all those who actually bought any subscription through Crypto Awaz were free to leave a rating (negative or positive) , did see alot of effort in pointing fingers towards Crypto Awaz which makes little sense while I understand the biased reasons and to put the record straight NO ONE apart from the two mentioned people reached out to me and shared actual evidence of any ongoing scam, talking cheap in public is easy – doing something requires effort, I won’t be expanding on that topic as it takes us away from the issue at hand (the purpose of this post). CA marketplace is aiming to solve exactly the same issue of going through intermediary where ,subscriptions owners can’t influence your decision on how you rate the service but can only happen once avail the service.

Scammer Details

  • Alias : Professor
  • Name : Wajhee Bin Nasir
  • Age : 26-27
  • Community : Grow More Crypto (GMC) on Discord
  • Cell Number : 923279209015 (registered on MUHAMMAD ASLAM CNIC 4160106700641)
  • City : Royal Apt, Phase 1, Block 2, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi
  • Bank Title : Wajhee Bin Nasir – MCB – PK15MUCB1323635021004350
  • Binance Pay ID : 78388681 (can be seen as active as of 26 Jan 2024)
  • Twitter : @ProfessorGmc

Please go through Intro Guide and do not deal with random people online. All details are gathered through Open source data and reports shared by various members in CCP.

If you know of a scammer, please share the details with us so that we may publish it online, this way such scammers can be easily caught.

Updated on July 22, 2024
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