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Farman Ali Shan / Crypto Signals with Shan / Syeda Ayesha Hussain

In this Article
  • A member of Cryptocurrency Pakistan (CCP) Facebook group posted about this scam. Where he was told by Alias Shan Ali on Telegram to buy a meme coin XAIINU [XAI] having contract address 0x2cAf3af0Db530Dc9d5216a8EA22397445FcF1ed2 which currently has no liquidity and the LP was drained by the developer.
  • Scammer told victim to buy XAI of worth 20 BNB as the price will increase and you will end up getting 80+ BNB once it’s launched and falling for that greed victim fell for it, although only about $5,000 worth of BNB were sent by the victim luckily.
  • After Victim sent BNB ,scammer drained the wallet and sent the funds to Binance and scammer banned the victim on telegram and the only Facebook account shilling about the telegram group also banned the victim.
  • As replied in the post, the scam was that only victim was made to buy the coin which filled the LP which was later drained by the developer. Now victim is sitting on bunch of XAI which has no value.
  • Scammer did a comprehensive scam to lure in the individual , which you can see in the video provided by the victim.

Scammer Details

Scammer is running a Telegram group with around 4k members and a Facebook group with 198K members where they share signal calls etc, and scamming people in inbox. Two profiles on facebook have been identified to be associated.

  • Scammer TG : Crypto Signals with Shan – https://t.me/CYPTOshan990
  • Scammer TG profile : @shan_haider76
  • Scammer Facebook Group : CRYPTO BINANCE FUTURE SIGNAL’S 🔥 – https://www.facebook.com/groups/200241118570007
  • The Facebook group has 2 x Admins which are being shared below. Please note how the group name has changed over the years while “Shan” and “Waqas” can be seen multiple times even in their Youtube while names like “Hina Ali Khan” were used to lure in more people probably.
  • Scammer Facebook Profile 1 : Farman Ali Shan – https://www.facebook.com/farmanalishan76 *Group Admin
A video uploaded by scammer on his fb profile, uploaded for record purposes
  • Scammer Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/farmanalishan76/
  • Scammer Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@syedwaqasalee Syed Waqas Alee
  • Scammer YT : https://www.youtube.com/@CRYPTOWITHSYEDWAQAS [Crypto with Syed Waqas] (as mentioned in Syeda Ayesha Hussain FB profile)
  • Scammer FB Profile 2 : Syeda Ayesha Hussain – https://www.facebook.com/syyedwasi.shah.3 (please note Syyed Wasi Shah)
  • Scammer Wallet : 0xfa5b205e65b75298e0f799f16709b3557cd53f93
  • Interacted with CEX : Yes, Binance

Please go through Intro Guide and do not deal with random people online. All details are gathered through Open source data and reports shared by various members in CCP. And install the Crypto Awaz Android App so you can search about such scammers and other FAQs right from your mobile.

If you know of a scammer, please share the details with us so that we may publish it online, this way such scammers can be easily caught.

Updated on January 27, 2024
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