What is Fundamental Analysis (FA) ?

Fundamental analysis (FA) is a method used by investors and traders in financial markets to assess the intrinsic value of an asset or business by examining as most qualitative and quantitative factors as possible, such as company management and reputation, industry health, market capitalization, and other economic factors. The goal of […]

What is Revenge Trading ?

It’s quite common to see traders trying to immediately make back a significant loss. This is what we call revenge trading. It doesn’t matter if you want to be a technical analyst, a day trader, or a swing trader – avoiding emotional decisions is crucial. It’s easy to stay calm when things […]

What is Overtrading

When you’re an active trader, it’s a common mistake to think you always need to be in a trade. Trading involves a lot of analysis and a lot of, well, sitting around, patiently waiting! With some trading strategies, you may need to wait a long time to get a reliable […]

I am new to Crypto, What should I do ?

You are still early and you should be happy about that. Read the steps so you get acquainted and you know where to look for information and what sort of scams you should stay away from. Asking for help in Inbox / DM is a bad and harmful habit. If […]

What is Market Manipulation ?

Market manipulation is an attempt to artificially influence an asset’s price or the behavior of the markets.  While crypto exchanges have become more wary of market manipulators, it’s still essential to identify common behaviors in order to spot potential bad actors.  Tracking market manipulation is a deceptive game of catch […]

What are Crypto Market Makers

Market makers play an important role in increasing the accessibility and liquidity of cryptocurrencies to traders, investors and market participants around the world. Market making is an activity whereby a trader simultaneously provides liquidity to both buyers and sellers in a financial market. Liquidity is the degree to which an asset can be quickly bought or sold without […]

Is Binary Option Trading Halal or Haram

In Binary Options you are not buying a real stock or selling that stock to another person. You are betting whether the stock price will be higher or lower than the point that you entered. The only reason Binary Options is technically Haram is because once you deposit money into […]

Shariah Screening of Coin / Token

What is Shariah Screening? How can someone know if a certain coin or token is halal or haram? There are thousands of tokens which already exist and people (Ulema / Islamic Scholars) are working hard to provide rulings (halal/haram) over them. One thing to note is that it is not […]

Is Binance Flexible Savings Halal or Haram

It is currently not clear that for what purpose our funds are used when we deposit funds for “Flexible Savings”. If the funds are used to provide liquidity for margin / futures then it is Haram. But if the same funds are used to provide Liquidity to the exchange including […]

Is Future Trading Halal or Haram

Futures Trading is Haram This post is for educational purpose only. I don’t intend to start a debate on future trading as this Hadith is straightforward. Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) reported Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: He who buys food grain should not sell it until […]