In the world of Bitcoin, there are very small currency units too just like USD have a “cent”, which is 1/100 part of the currency.
BTC Units:
Satoshi (SAT) = 0.00000001 BTC
bit (ubtc) = 0.000001 BTC
Millibit (mBTC) = 0.001 BTC
Centibit (cBTC) = 0.01 BTC
Decibit (dbtc) = 0.1 BTC
Bitcoin (BTC) = 1 BTC
Decabit (dabtc) = 10 BTC
Hectobit (hbtc) = 100 BTC
Kilobit (kbtc) = 1,000 BTC
Megabit (MBTC) = 1,000,00 BTC