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How can we purchase crypto coins not available on Binance or any other exchange?

In the world of crypto, it can be difficult to find and purchase coins that aren’t listed on major exchanges like Binance or KuCoin. If you’re wondering how to buy these coin/tokens, look no further. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to discover and purchase coins that may not be available on popular platforms.

  1. Explore Coin Aggregators for Hidden Gems:
    One way to unearth unique coins is by visiting the market section of coin aggregators such as Coinmarketcap or Coingecko. Navigate through the market sections to discover hidden gems and explore new investment opportunities.
  1. Track New Coins via Socials and Official Pages:
    In the dynamic crypto landscape, some coins may be so fresh that they haven’t made it to Coinmarketcap or Coingecko yet. In such cases, turn to the coin’s social media channels or their official website. By doing so, you can stay informed about the decentralized exchanges (DEX) where these coins are traded. Look for information on trading pairs and liquidity to make informed decisions about where to acquire these up-and-coming assets. Be mindful that new crypto tokens are extremely risky for investment, you must always do your due diligence and then proceed to invest.

To know more about new coins, when and how they launch you can head over to our discord server.

Updated on February 2, 2024
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