Trading in Spot Perpetual / Leveraged Tokens (ETFs) Halal ? Are BTCDown, BTCUP, ETHDown tokens etc in spot trading are halal or haram?. If you are not aware about Perpetual/Leveraged...
Pool Staking is Halal or Haram ? Pool Staking falls under the same concept as normal Staking as profit and loss are both involved and you are...
Is Staking Crypto Halal? Yes, Staking is locking up your crypto and you get rewarded, your money is not lent out you can access...
Is Binance Flexible Savings Halal or Haram It is currently not clear that for what purpose our funds are used when we deposit funds for “Flexible Savings”....
Is Future Trading Halal or Haram Futures Trading is Haram This post is for educational purpose only. I don’t intend to start a debate on future...